Durable and Hi End Quality wood decking. Ipe,Cumaru,Garapa,Itauba, Masaranduba and others
Enjoy various Tropical species and Rare characters
We produce from Logs on though to finished products Dining table. Enjoy only one table !
We can produce even 6m long table based on customer order
Ecowood Trading Inc社は2002年、Logimab社は2011年に設立されました。南米ボリビア国 Sustainable forestより、伐採、製材、加工、輸出の一貫生産体制をとり、自然豊かなレアな高品質な木材商品をお客様へお届けすること、地域社会と密着し、限りある自然資源を有効利用し共存共栄することを使命として事業活動をしております。ボリビアは北部アマゾンジャングル地帯、西部アンデス山脈・ウユニ塩湖、東部草原地帯牧畜・穀物地帯、南部高原地帯ワイン・チーズ生産と自然の恵み豊かな国です。是非一度ボリビアへいらしてください。 Ecowood Trading Inc was founded in 2002 Japan and Logimab srl was founded in 2011 Bolivia. We produce Decking Flooring Table from logs, which we extract from the sustainable forest, on through to finished products. Our mission is to deliver Hi End products to customer and to realize the coexistence with local society in mutual prosperity. Bolivia is unique country which North region is Amazon are, West region is Mountains (UYUNI salt lake), East region is a granary area and cattle land, South region is producing Wine and Cheese and Fruit. Visit rich country Bolivia ! We wait for you